Josef Gabriel Rheinberger died in Munich in 1901, respected, honored and renowned as one of Europe’s leading composers and teachers. The International Josef Gabriel Rheinberger Society invites you to explore his life and work.
Accompany Rheinberger, who was born in Vaduz in 1839, as he makes his way from the Liechtenstein alps to the
metropolis of Munich and becomes court conductor for the eccentric King Ludwig II of Bavaria. Immerse yourself in his diverse work full of powerful colours, gentle turns, and often some surprises.
Follow his global impact today using our event calendar. And take part too – inform us about your Rheinberger event.
Events of the International Josef Gabriel Rheinberger Society.
Please send registrations to info@rheinberger.li
25 Oct 2025
Geistliches Konzert
Clemens Morgenthaler, Bariton | Stina Burkard, Orgel
Kathedrale Vaduz
11 Sept 2025
Sönke Tams Freier, Bassbariton | Henriette Zahn, Klavier
Rathaussaal Vaduz

The International Josef Gabriel Rheinberger Society, founded in 2003, aims to promote and disseminate the work of Josef Gabriel Rheinberger.
This aim is achieved through:
the distribution of Josef Gabriel Rheinberger's compositions
assistance for people committed to the dissemination of Josef Gabriel Rheinberger's works
guidance and information
cooperation with the Josef Rheinberger Archive, Vaduz
assistance in scientific research on the life and work of Rheinberger
cooperation with people and organizations at home and abroad who promote the legacy of Josef Gabriel Rheinberger
artistic guidance for performances of his works
Internationale Josef Gabriel Rheinberger Gesellschaft (IRG)
St. Floringasse 1
9490 Vaduz
Fürstentum Liechtenstein
T +423 235 03 30
F +423 235 03 31